Category Archives: Consultations

Important consultation about proposed changes to charges for adult social care.

Care costsAn important consultation has just been opened on proposed changes to the way in which adult social care is charged.

NYCC is consulting on proposals about how people who use adult social care services contribute to their costs. The consultation covers two main areas:

  • the cost of transport to places where people may receive a service; and
  • how the total cost of care is calculated.

Please go to our ‘Have your say‘ page to read about details of the proposed changes and how you can have your say.

Harrogate Main Post Office set for closure

Help save Harrogate’s main Post Office

Post OfficeAs WH Smith continues its programme to amalgamate post offices within its branches, it has been confirmed that the town centre post office in Harrogate is marked for closure. The plan is to relocate the post office within the WH Smith store in Cambridge Street. This move comes at a time when the future of the post office in Cold Bath Road is also in doubt. To read more about this, please see our ‘Have Your Say’ page, which includes an article from the Harrogate Advertiser.

Are you excited or concerned about the proposed ‘cliff lift’ in Knaresborough?

240px-Knaresborough_viewThere will be a consultation workshop for people we feel have the most to gain from and contribute to the Cliff Lift i.e. people with disabilities, seniors with age related access concerns and parents with young children.  We want to hear your first hand experiences of getting around Knaresborough and give you an opportunity to find out more about the Cliff Lift project.

Age UK (Cliff House, Knaresborough) are hosting our first consultation workshop on THURSDAY 25TH OCTOBER FROM 2 – 4PM.  Refreshments will be provided and you will be asked to complete a simple questionnaire as well as take part in small discussions groups.

If you would like to attend please contact Kathy Allday on 01423 864381 (the workshop organiser) or Age UK on 01423 864956. We look forward to seeing you on the day. Please see our ‘Have Your Say’ page for further details.

Join the Which? campaign to fix the care system

Compassionate Elder CareThe Consumer Association (Which?) is campaigning to get the Government to fix the care system, as a matter of priority. Which? estimates that ‘the care home population is already bigger than the City of Manchester and it’s set to grow rapidly over the coming years’.

As increasing numbers of care homes are closing, there are insufficient places for people who need them.  Care homes are struggling to provide the care which individuals need. For some residents this can mean that they are not receiving adequate care, or are having to move to another care home when their existing care home closes. To particpate in the Which? campaign, please follow this link:

No mental health beds in the Harrogate district – a real risk

MH maleThe approved plans for a specialised facility to be built on the outskirts of Harrogate have been put on hold, pending the outcome of a local consultation. There is the possibility that patients will have to travel out of the district to receive care. For patients living with dementia this would be extremely stressful – away from familiar surroundings and people.

To find out how you can express your views and attend a public event to discuss this issue, please visit our ‘Have your say‘ page. There are less than 2 weeks to make your views known.

What do you think? Make your views known

Survey - your views matter

Lots of consultations and surveys in progress. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your views known. See our ‘Have your say’ page.



  • Service users and carers with experience of the Mental Health Act are asked to complete an online survey to have their say on an Independent Review of the Act.
  • The rise in numbers comes as the NHS is running a public consultation into whether England should follow Wales and introduce an opt-out donation scheme.
  • NHS England wants to hear the views of patients and the public on the prescribing of over-the-counter medicines for minor conditions.
  • The Government are consulting on plans to extend the Blue Badge scheme
  • NHS England has commissioned Quality Health to run an online survey to gather feedback about people’s experiences of personal health budgets in England.

Have your say on health services in the district

Health in sand


There are currently several consultations on the provision of local health services. Have you had your say? This is our opportunity to help shape parts of the health service for the future.

Consultations include:

  • Pharmacy service provision
  • Helping people stay well and independent in the local community
  • Improving patient safety and learning from errors
  • Changes in GP services

Details of all of these consultations are on our ‘Have Your Say’ webpage. Make sure you express your views on these important matters.


Important consultation on 111 and 999 emergency care

ambulance_1701302cThe way you receive Urgent and Emergency Care through 111 and 999 could be changing. Over August, Healthwatch North Yorkshire will be having conversations with the public about potential improvements to the way Urgent and Emergency Care is accessed in your part of the County. Your views and experiences are incredibly important in order for Healthwatch to feed public opinion back to the NHS.

More information about how you can get involved and have your say, as well as a helpful short video explaining the proposals, may be found see our ‘Have your say’ page.