Tag Archives: Mental health

Are you feeling anxious during the current pandemic?


Mentalhealth and CovidRecent research has shown that many people are feeling anxious and/or depressed as a result of the restrictions imposed during the current pandemic. Some people are reacting to the loneliness of self-isolation, quarantine or shielding and this is having an adverse effect on their mental health. Whilst interactive chats via social media are helping some people communicate, others have been seeking relief from comfort eating and increased alcohol consumption. If you feel that you need help and support, there are many organisations which can offer this. Some of these can be found on our  Support Groups page on our Information Hub. There is also some useful advice here.


Compassionate support for people bereaved by suicide

MH despairThere is a new service to support people bereaved or affected by suicide across Harrogate.

NHS England has provided funding for a suicide bereavement service across West Yorkshire & Harrogate. The project is run by Leeds Mind and informed by the Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service. The workers have their own personal experience of suicide bereavement. You can access support as an individual or work place. The service is a response to the fact that people bereaved by suicide are more likely to suffer from severe depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, or even adopt suicidal behaviours themselves. To access support you must be a resident of West Yorkshire or Harrogate. For more details follow this link. (Possible slow link)

No mental health beds in the Harrogate district – a real risk

MH maleThe approved plans for a specialised facility to be built on the outskirts of Harrogate have been put on hold, pending the outcome of a local consultation. There is the possibility that patients will have to travel out of the district to receive care. For patients living with dementia this would be extremely stressful – away from familiar surroundings and people.

To find out how you can express your views and attend a public event to discuss this issue, please visit our ‘Have your say‘ page. There are less than 2 weeks to make your views known.