Tag Archives: healthcare

Are you concerned about who has access to your confidential information?

hand holding a stethoscope over computer keyboard with a securitNHS Digital are introducing a new tool that people can use to opt out of their confidential patient information being used for reasons other than their individual care and treatment.This is part of a vision to improve patients’ trust and confidence in how data is looked after by the health and social care system, following the failure of the Care.data project two years ago. Further information is available on our Have Your Say page.

The national data opt-out will be available for the public online from 25th  May at https://digital.nhs.uk/services/national-data-opt-out-programme

For those who do not want to or cannot access the service digitally there will be also be a national telephone service available on 0300 303 5678.

What is happening to the NHS?

NHS services


We had a an eye-opening meeting on Thursday November 26th when we found out what is happening to the NHS  and the ways in which its principles have, and are, being undermined by successive governments. Following the showing of the DVD  about the NHS -‘The Sell Off’, which exposed some of the covert strategies which suggest that the NHS is being privatised by the back door, there was a lively discussion about how patients could try to rescue the NHS.