Most newsletters are accessed via a free subscription. They provide up-to-date news and progress reports, together with advertisements about relevant events. Here are a few suggestions of newsletters which might interest you:
“The Voice”
The Quarterly Newsletter of Harrogate District Over 50s Forum. Apologies – this facility is currently not available.
Age UK newsletter helps you keep up-to-date with Age UK’s latest campaigns, its activities and services, and ways in which you can get involved.
The Later Life newsletter provides latest news on policy changes, good practice and initiatives and their impact on older people.
‘In Touch‘ – the newsletter for members of the public from NHS England
Campaign to End Loneliness: Research Bulletin
Age Action Alliance Weekly The Age Action Alliance is a network which brings together organisations and older people, in partnership
ILC February Update: with links to reports on Drinkwise; Downsizing; the end of formal Adult Social Care
North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership Newsletter
Download a copy of the first edition of the quarterly newsletter from the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership
The Police and Crime Commissioner’s latest newsletter is available here
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