On this page you will find Special Events in date order, followed by New Ventures.
Special Events
New Ventures
New: Deaf Café
Every second Thursday of the month, 2 -4pm at Harrogate Library
A chance to meet others and socialise. Everybody is welcome and a special welcome to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a dual sensory impairment. A member of NYCC Sensory team will be at each session to offer advice and information.
Knit and Natter – starting February 25th
This group will be meeting on the last Monday of each month at St Peter’s Church, Cambridge Street, Harrogate for a social ‘Knit & Natter’ gathering knitting/crocheting for various charities in the area. The aim is to meet new people and have some fun whilst producing items for worthwhile causes including: the Homeless; premature baby unit; dementia patients and ‘Knit for Nowt’ – a Yorkshire based charity which provides support for children requiring psychiatric help. Follow this link for further details: https://theknittersyarn.com/pages/charity
‘Knit and Natter’ another new group
Do you enjoy knitting, but would like to share your love of knitting with others? Why not join like-minded people for a knit and a natter at The Hub at 39 Oxford Street, Harrogate. The knitters meet on Mondays and Wednesdays 2 – 4pm. Click Knit and Natter to find out more.
New ‘Sporting Memories’ group
A new group started on January 13th 2-3.30pm at St Mark’s Church, Leeds Road, Harrogate HG2 8AY. Come along, listen and share sporting memories with other older sports fans. Free friendly group with free refreshments. For more information please either call Simon on 07414 911218 or email simon@northyorkshiresport.co.uk www.sportingmemoriesnetwork.com
Dancing for Wellbeing – new group
New Friday group in Knaresborough. Ideal for people who find other exercise/ dance classes too strenuous or challenging, including people with mobility/ balance problems, using a walking aid or wheelchair, with heart or breathing problems, or conditions like arthritis, dementia, Parkinson’s or depression. For further details Dancing For Wellbeing
Dementia Carers – New Beginnings
There is a new group for carers who have lost a loved one or they have been taken into care through dementia. This is a peer-to-peer support group which shares experiences and offers support and friendship. There will be cake and a brew. Wednesday mornings, 10am – 12md at Elim Church Hall, Park View, Harrogate HG1 5LZ There is a £3 a week charge to cover room hire and refreshments. Please contact Lynda Oliver if you would like to join 07817820965.
Ageing Well Activities

Free Beginners Individual IT sessions
1:1 sessions for beginners on i-Pads and tablets. The sessions will include basic internet searching, creating and e-mail address and much more. Sessions with the Halifax Digital Champions aim to encourage beginners who are learning to use the internet to set-up e-mail or get assistance with on-line banking. For more information please contact Harrogate library staff. Tel: 01609 536658.
Interested in researching your family history?
Harrogate library is hosting drop-in sessions for tablet owners who wish to research their family hsitory. No need to book, just come along between 9am – 12md on Wednesdays. Contact Harrogate Library 01609 536658 or e-mail: harrogate.library@northyorks.gov.uk for further details.
Do you love talking about sport?

Staying Steady Strollers
Steady paced, 30-40 min flat social walks. Walk, chat and improve your health. Walks are free.Starting September 2016 – weekly on Tuesdays in the Valley Gardens, Harrogate. Meet outside the Post Office on Cold Bath Road, Harrogate. Walks leave at 11.00amA Knaresborough walk also takes place weekly on Thursdays. Meet inside the Bridge Cafe on Gracious Street C.O.G.S Knaresborough. Walks Leave at 10.30amFor more information and a walker registration form Contact Helen at Age UK North Yorkshire on 01423 530628 or 07850 328510 email helen.steventon@ageuknorthyorkshire.org.uk
Monthly Lunch Club for the Over 50’s at St Robert’s Club, Robert Street, Harrogate.
First Friday of the month, 12.30pm–2pmAll are welcome to come along, spend some time and enjoy lunch with a cup of tea or coffee while chatting to old friends or making new ones. Cost £5 for Hot meal, Dessert, Tea or Coffee – booking necessary for catering purposes.
For more information or to book your lunch please contact Rachel on 07739 975021 or rachel.beedle@catholic-care.org.uk
Silver singers
Silver Singers a singing group for the over 60’s hosted by Catholic Care will meet on Thursday 28 July, 10.15am – 11.30am At St Aelred’s Parish Hall, Woodlands Drive, Harrogate
A cost of £2 per person per session will be charged which includes refreshments. No previous musical experience required! The group will meet fortnightly. Please contact Rachel Beedle on 07739 975021 or just come along and sing!
New Time, New Day
Alzheimer’s Society Knaresborough Memory Lane Café is now on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 2:30– 4:00pm at Gracious Street Church, Knaresborough, HG5 8DS This is a friendly and informal group for people with dementia, their carers and families. An opportunity to meet and socialise with others. Activities include talks, quizzes, games, music and reminiscence.
For more information or to book a place: Tel 01423 813464 Email: harrogate@alzheimers.org.uk
Yorkshire Yoga – Gentle Years Yoga Research Study
People aged 65 or older can benefit from free yoga classes for 10 weeks.
For more information, contact Jenny Howsam at Yorkshire Yoga & Therapy Centre, email research@yorkshireyoga.co.uk or phone 01423 864343 Monday-Thursday. Read a newspaper article about this.
Train Aid – Community First Aid Courses
A monthly First Aid Course at Harrogate Baptist Church, on first Saturday of the month from March to December 2016. There is a subsidised community price of £20 per person. Call 01737 237590 to book your place at the community price, mentioning this HARCVS e-bulletin.
The event includes Level 2 Emergency First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid and Basic Life Support qualifications. Click here for further details.
Get Creative for Positive Mental Health
Orb Community Arts – A range of free positive mental well-being groups in Knaresborough for anyone in need of a well-being boost.
Natural Voice Singing – Mondays 6.30pm
Arts & Crafts – Thursdays 6.30pm
The Film & Fusion Orchestra – Thursdays 6.30pm
Saturday Garden Group – Saturdays 11am
Contact Leon or Mark on 01423 202028 or e-mail admin@orb-arts.org
Launch of a new mental health support group
The Lighthouse Project is a new mental health support group for family and friends caring for loved ones. The Group is free to attend and run by volunteers. The first meeting is on Wednesday 9 December at 5.45pm in Harrogate and is run by volunteers. For further details, click here.
Pateley Bridge Lunch Club
Why not join other over 65 year olds for a nutritious meal and chance to socialise. Every Monday in term time. Just £5 and free transport can be arranged. For more details contact Helen on 01765 645915 at Ripon & Rural Wellbeing Service or email helen@harcvs.org.uk
NHS England’s Customer Contact Centre launches British Sign Language service
British Sign Language (BSL) users are now able to get in touch with NHS England’s Customer Contact Centre using a video call supported by a BSL interpreter. The new BSL service, operated by InterpreterNow, is available whenever the contact centre is open. The service can be accessed using a PC or laptop equipped with a webcam. A free app is also available for smartphone and tablet users. This technology will enable BSL users to communicate with us directly and independently – without having to rely on friends or family members.
The White Rose Credit Union
The White Rose Credit union is now for anyone who lives or works in Harrogate District, Craven, Leeds and Wakefield. The new Credit union for our district will bring improved financial wellbeing and resilience for residents and help with better budgeting. You can read the Credit Union Presentation made at our HARCVS AGM on 13 October and find out more about the services offered at www.leedscitycreditunion.co.uk
There is a range of leaflets in the Harrogate Community House Information Centre and you can also get information and resources from Ash Richardson, Harrogate Business Development Manager (e-mail arichardson@leedscitycreditunion.co.uk). Ash is based at the Harrogate Borough Council offices at Crescent Gardens in Harrogate (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and at Ripon Town Hall.
Royal British Legion Pop In – new venue
Information, advice and guidance for serving members of the Armed Forces, reservists, veterans and their families. First Wednesday of each monthfrom 11am – 2.30pm at Lister House, Southgate, Ripon HG4 1PG Pop in or call 0808 802 8080 or visit www.britishlegion.org.uk
Harrogate & District Talking Newspaper – new listeners welcome!
Do you know someone who loves Harrogate district news, but has a visual impairment? Talking newspapers is a free of charge service. http://www.harrogatetalkingnewspaper.co.uk
HELP is launching Driving Force

New Place of Safety opens in Harrogate
A new assessment suite, which will provide a place of safety for vulnerable adults detained by the police, under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act has opened at Harrogate District General Hospital. The suite, run by the Tees, Esk and Wear Valley’s NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV), has been made possible through a partnership with NHS Harrogate and Rural District CCG (which is funding the service), North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire County Council and Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
A Section 136 Place of Safety suite is somewhere a person can be detained for up to 72 hours if they are in mental health crisis and the police believe them to be in immediate need of care for their own , or another person’s, safety.
New scheme to help find missing dementia sufferers
The police have devised a new scheme to help speed up the process for finding missing dementia sufferers. The Herbert Protocol is a national initiative designed to provide the police with quick detailed information about the missing person’s background and history. Follow this link to find out more.
New mediation service – Arch
ARCH is now an independent charity and provides services throughout Harrogate District and neighbouring areas of Yorkshire.
ARCH continues to provide neighbour mediation at no cost to all residents of the Harrogate District and now also provides mediation for young people and families (intra-family) and the various forms of commercial mediation – including family, employment & workplace, property, education, financial services and professional negligence. For more details, please see the post on our ‘Blog’ page.
The new Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum website
The Forum is a new voluntary group of people who have been affected by cancer. The Forum’s aim is to enable the views and experiences of cancer patients, families and friends to be heard and used to improve the quality of cancer care in the Yorkshire area.
Self help and support groups can input information on the website and build links with others running similar groups. The Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum website is www.yorkshirecancerpatientforum.co.uk
Wheelchair Hire Service at Ripon Community House
People with temporary need of a wheelchair can hire one for the day, a few days or for the week, depending on availability. There is a small charge for the service with a £20 refundable deposit.
For more information and to request the use of a wheelchair contact 01765 603631 or email reception@riponcommunityhouse.co.uk
Could you be a good neighbour?

Are you waiting to have an operation?
Did you know that if you are a smoker and need to have surgery you could be at greater risk of post-operative complications? If you’re waiting to have an operation, now could be a good time to quit smoking. The ‘New You NHS Smokefree Service’ aims to assist people to give up smoking. For details of the service and list of venues click HardNet News and go to page 7.
New bus routes for Harrogate
Harrogate Connect, the bus company providing our local bus services, is launching two new routes on May 11th. Route 4 will provide a link from the bus station to Mowbray Square Health Centre and Harrogate District Hospital.
Route 5 will follow a similar route, but will also serve Oatlands, Green Lane and Pannal Ash, as well as providing a link to the Marks & Spencer food store at Oatlands Corner.
For details of these new routes and other route changes, together with timetables, please follow this link.
New North Yorkshire Advocacy service
Hambleton and Richmondshire Advocacy are coming together with Selby, Harrogate and Craven Advocacy offices to form North Yorkshire Advocacy. Advocacy services will reach more vulnerable clients across these areas through home visits and appointments.
Read more about this service on our ‘Blog’ page.
The ‘Little Red Bus’ is long gone ….. but help is at hand
HARCVS Ripon and Rural Voluntary Car Driving Service can help to get people out and about to medical appointments, to do shopping or to visit day centres and lunch clubs. Over 30 volunteer drivers help people who are either older, have a disability or are socially isolated to make pre-booked non-urgent trips. The drivers can wait with their passengers or return to collect them at an arranged time.
For full details of service throughout the district please see the post on our blog page.
Saint Michael’s Volunteer Visitors Service has expanded
The service now welcomes referrals for and from any adult in the Harrogate District who is living at home with a terminal illness. You do not need a prior connection with Saint Michael’s to access the befriending service, which provides regular and reliable weekly emotional, practical and social support from a specially trained volunteer. There is no charge for the service.
For more information or to make a referral, T: (01423) 814480 E: info@saintmichaelshospice.org or Website: www.saintmichaelshospice.org
Ability Net – Free IT Support at Home for Disabled People
Help with computer systems, laptops, tablets and even some smartphones.
Call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 269 545 (Freephone and Minicom). Just say what you need and Ability Net will try to find a suitable volunteer. They can’t guarantee to find someone immediately, but will do all they can to respond rapidly.
If you prefer not to use the phone, you can contact the Helpline by sending an email to enquiries@abilitynet.org.uk or request help using the IT Support Request Form.
The Royal British Legion pop-in
A new service giving information, advice and guidance to servicemen and women, veterans and their families will be available on the 4th Monday of every month from 11am – 2pm at Harrogate Community House, 46- 50 East Parade. To find out more about this service, please follow this link or for further information about the British legion drop-in centres click here.
A new service to support victims of crime
Supporting Victims is a new service launched on 1 April 2015 to help people cope and recover after being the victim of crime, whether or not the crime has been reported to the police.
Supporting Victims is based in York and serves the whole of North Yorkshire, replacing the Victim Support call centre.
Find out more at http://www.supportingvictims.org/
‘Stop Hate’ helpline launched in North Yorkshire

Summer is here and it’s a busy time for the Help at Home gardening season.
The Help at Home Service offered by HELP is a gardening, decorating and basic repair service which covers the whole of the Harrogate District. All tasks are carried out by volunteers with support from supervisors. Priority is given to older people, those who are vulnerable and people with disabilities who can no longer manage to carry out the tasks themselves, have no family help and cannot afford a professional service.
Help at Home can assist with:
- Gardening, general tidying up, lawn mowing, hedge cutting etc.
- Painting
- Basic repairs & DIY tasks
- Odd jobs e.g. one-off shopping, moving furniture, defrosting freezers
Find out more at http://www.harcvs.org.uk/helpathome
‘Fit 4 Fun’ has finished ….. what now?
The Fit 4 fun project finished at the end of February, but Health and Active lifestyle activities will continue with the Harrogate Borough Council Sport Development team. A timetable of activities is now running for all ages and at venues across the district and will continue during the year. Booking is required for all sessions.
For more information contact Natalie Smith, Health and Active Lifestyle Officer on: 07525988160 or 01423 500600 ext 58382 Or email: Natalie.Smith@harrogate.gov.uk
Pingback: Two new bus routes for Harrogate | hgdover50sforum.org.uk
Pingback: Want to find out more about caring for someone with dementia? | hgdover50sforum.org.uk
Pingback: The White Rose Credit Union | hgdover50sforum.org.uk
Pingback: Is it time to exercise the little grey cells? | hgdover50sforum.org.uk
Pingback: Do you have some great sporting memories? | hgdover50sforum.org.uk
Pingback: Don’t be alone this Christmas – invitations to Christmas lunch | hgdover50sforum.org.uk
Pingback: New opportunities within the community for people living with dementia and their families. | hgdover50sforum.org.uk