Tag Archives: savings

Less than 4% on low incomes take up high interest saving scheme

Piles of new £1 poundsAccording to the Government, only 312,000 people, out of the 3.5 million who are eligible, have participated in an saving scheme which could earn them a 50% interest rate. The scheme known as ‘Help to Save’ rewards low income earners who save from £1 to £50 per month, even if they are claiming pension credits of universal credit. To find out more, please see our Finance page.


April 1st price increases – act now to avoid them

Piles of poundsCome April 1st, there will be several price increases. For further information, please visit our ‘Alerts’ page.  If you act now, you might be able to avoid them!

If you want to find out how to make savings on goods and services, and also how to stay ahead of the scammers, why not subscribe to the Money Saving Expert’s newsletter? Follow this link for further information.

Do your finances need a spring clean?

Piles of poundsIt’s that time of year when financial matters come to the fore ….. household insurance, car insurance and energy supplies are just some of the things which may be occupying your mind. Not to mention, trying to make the most of your savings. Help is at hand. Paul Lewis, the financial advisor, who appears on BBC television, Money Box on the radio and writes a column in the Radio Times, is offering advice in the latest issue of InTouch newsletter.

50 Money saving tips for the ‘Over 50s’

MSESome of you will be aware of the Money Saving Expert (MSE) website. If not, now is a good time to explore the site and see how you can save money. You will find several references to the MSE website on the Forum’s webpages. If you are keen to find out about the latest offers and discounts etc, as well as receive alerts about the latest scams, you can also sign up for the weekly newsletters, which have been highly recommended by various consumer groups.

50 money saving tips for the over 50s

Piles of poundsIt’s that time of year ….. nearly the end of the current tax year – Spring is in the air – and it’s time to get enthusiastic about holidays and new ventures, but these could involve financial expenditure. Make sure you’re making the most of your money by reading about money saving tips from the Money Saving Expert.