Category Archives: Uncategorized

Farewell to John Dorman

It is with great sadness that we report that John Dorman has died.

John Dorman thumbnail_IMG_0209John was our treasurer and one of the founding members of the Forum. He was an active member, always ready with a smile to greet attendees at our Forum meetings, and participating in the social activities such as the Lunch Club and day trips. He was very conscientious about his role as Treasurer and was meticulous in his record keeping. Despite several health challenges over eight years and ‘taking each day as it comes’, John loyally performed his duties as a member of the committee. He was a gentle man with a lovely sense of humour and will be greatly missed. We send our condolences to his children Nigel and Alison and other family members.

We are grateful to Tania Brightmore who is currently assuming the role of Treasurer.


An afternoon with Gervase Phinn


How would you like to enjoy an entertaining afternoon of humorous anecdotes from Gervase Phinn and a cream tea at the Old Swan Hotel? And, at the same time, you could be helping to raise funds for the Friends of Harrogate Hospital. Funds which could finance projects such as making a playground, so that small patients at the hospital might actually want to go outside for some fresh air and exercise.  For further details, please follow this link.  Gervase Phinn

Can you help?

Guide dog image

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association are currently looking for volunteers who could care for their puppies for one year within this area. This involves teaching them basic commands and valuable socialisation skills. This role is full time as the puppies cannot be left for more than a couple of hours a day. Therefore, it is a perfect opportunity for volunteers who are recently retired, looking for a companion or something to do to increase their socialisation. All food and veterinary costs are covered by Guide Dogs within the role.  Please follow this link for further information.    Guide dogs

Less than 4% on low incomes take up high interest saving scheme

Piles of new £1 poundsAccording to the Government, only 312,000 people, out of the 3.5 million who are eligible, have participated in an saving scheme which could earn them a 50% interest rate. The scheme known as ‘Help to Save’ rewards low income earners who save from £1 to £50 per month, even if they are claiming pension credits of universal credit. To find out more, please see our Finance page.


Winter’s coming! Be prepared.

fosted-windscreenFrosty mornings means scraping car windows and warming the engine before driving off. However, take care and do to leave your vehicle unattended or it could be someone else driving off in it, instead of you!

Here are some tips about 5 essential winter care accessories. Also, you can get more winter driving advice on our ‘Topical News’ page.

Dementia and Sensory Challenges Booklet

Dementia and Sensory Challenges Booklet

This booklet was inspired by and created with the words of people with dementia to give readers ideas on how to make the lives of people with dementia more pleasant, allowing them to be more socially included and no longer feeling alone.  The booklet was created with funding support from the Life Changes Trust.  You can download the booklet and an accompanying film here.