Do you need advice about fire alarms? Have you ever had a fire safety check in your home? The Fire Service provide free check and advice. For further details about fire safety and how to book a safety check, go to our ‘Topical News’ page.
Do you need advice about fire alarms? Have you ever had a fire safety check in your home? The Fire Service provide free check and advice. For further details about fire safety and how to book a safety check, go to our ‘Topical News’ page.
A current scam on social media is offering free airline tickets, but at what cost to the participants?
‘Free’ anything, short surveys, sharing a link and clicking on the ‘Like’ button – can all be a recipe for an expensive error. To find out how ….. go to our ‘Alerts’ page.
The latest global cyber attack has hit the headlines over the past few days, with predictions that reports of hacks might increase this week. However, it’s considered unlikely that individuals will be affected. However, if a computer is affected, advice should be sought about how to deal with it, but will probably involve re-installing the operating system (to remove the risk of malware), before accessing any files. For further information, please visit our ‘alerts’ page.
The police are keen to encourage the public’s support in preventing terrorism and assisting in the investigation of terrorist attacks. Following the recent terrorist attack in Westminster, the police are trying to increase public awareness of how people can assist them. To find out what happens when you report something suspicious Click here.
The Consumer Association (Which?) reports that ‘in less than two weeks, we’ve recorded over £5.5m lost to bank transfer scams. Over 650 people have shared their story – with one person reported to have lost a whopping £395,000. The £5.5m is just the tip on the iceberg.
This is the harsh reality of bank transfer scams and something the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) will not be able to ignore. Banks must better protect customers who are tricked into transferring money to a fraudster’. If you would like to support Which? in trying to protect people from becoming victims, please consider signing the ‘Safeguard us from Scams’ campaign.
Following on from our forum meeting on Thursday, why not test your ability to spot a scam e-mail. To access the Consumer Association’s (Which?) quiz, follow this link and then scroll down the page and click on the ‘Take our quiz’ tab. There is also the option to support the Which? campaign to safeguard people from e-mail scams.
At its next meeting, the Harrogate District Over 50s Forum, which represents the views of older people across the Harrogate District, will be addressing the topical issue of personal and financial safety. This is an important matter and we should all be aware of the dangers and protect ourselves.
During the meeting, we will explore the many different types of ‘scam’, how to avoid them and how to report them in order to safeguard others – as well as help catch the scammers. We will also consider ways in which we can enhance our personal security and increase self-confidence. See our ‘Forum Events’ page for further details.
Frosty mornings means scraping car windows and warming the engine before driving off. However, take care and do to leave your vehicle unattended or it could be someone else driving off in it, instead of you!
Here are some tips about 5 essential winter care accessories. Also, you can get more winter driving advice on our ‘Topical News’ page.
Surgeons have issued a warning about the risk of using electronic cigarettes, following incidences of exploding batteries. There has been a significant rise in the number of reports of exploding e-cigarettes; some causing catastrophic injuries, similar to those resulting from being shot in the mouth. There have been calls for stricter guidance for consumers and tighter regulation of imports.
Reported by Jem Collins in ‘Independent’ newspaper 10.10.2016 Follow this link for further details.