Category Archives: Safety

Warning about Brexit scams ….. and there are many!

Please visit our ‘Alerts’ page for details of the latest scams relating to Brexit.



The current confusion about what is happening with the Brexit process is providing an ideal opportunity for fraudsters to try to steal individuals’ money. Make sure that you do not become a victim by reading about the latest scams:

Bogus Brexit investments

HMRC Brexit scam

European Health Insurance card (Ehic) scam

Financial services scams

Pension scams advice

Pension scams 2The Pensions Regulator has circulated the following document to advise people on pension scams. The main tactics scammers use are:
1. Making contact out of the blue
2. Making promises of high /guaranteed returns
3. Offering free pension reviews
4. Allowing access to your pension before age 55
5. Pressurising you to act quickly
The document can be accessed at

It is well worth a read    (Courtesy of NY Police)

An end to mobile phone scams?

Mobile phone scamsThis year, four of the largest mobile phone providers (EE, Vodafone, O2 and Three) will launch a new system, which blocks scammers who attempt to send text messages, which appear to come from your bank.  The Consumer Association Which? reports that ’for years, fraudsters have been spoofing bank phone numbers and scaring people with threatening text messages to call them back’. The new system will stop the spoofing of phone numbers and will help to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent text messages.

In the meantime, you can report scam and spam texts directly to your mobile phone provider by forwarding it to 7726, which is free of charge. To find out more, please see our ‘Alerts’ page

1400 targeted by TV licensing scam e-mails


WarningBe aware! Consumer Association Which? is warning that more than 1,400 people have been targeted by the latest TV Licensing refund scam emails. The e-mails take various forms, but mainly involve the use of a convincing facsimie of the TV Licensing Authority logos etc. The e-mail offers a refund for over payment or a billing error. For further details on how to spot these e-mails and what to do if you have been scammed, go to 

Keyless car theft on the increase!

Car theft - keyless


Thefts from keyless cars has increased by 30% in the past four years.  Some insurance companies will not cover this type of theft, as there is no evidence of a break-in. Basically, thieves can hack the signal from your key and use it to open your car door and drive away.

So you need to take preventative measures to ensure the safety of your car. For further details, please see our ‘Alerts’ page.

Should you be on the Priority Services Register?

Priority Services RegisterShould you or your relative be on the Priority Services Register? This is a register of people who would be particularly at risk, if there were to be a power cut. To find out if you are eligible to register, please click here.

Note:  This link also offers advice if you are struggling to pay your energy bills.

Don’t get too close or you could be fined

Cyclist overtaking distance

According to a new law to protect cyclists, the driver needs to leave a minimum distance from a cyclist when overtaking or travelling alongside the bike or they could receive a fine. This would be £100 and three points on the licence for being too close to a bike on the road. For further details, please follow this link to our ‘Alerts’ page.


‘Who’s keeping us safe’?

OstrichAt our next Forum meeting on Thursday 26th July, Helen Richardson, Community Safety Officer for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority, will be talking to us and giving advice about safety. She will be joined by Will Champion, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) from Harrogate Police. Together they will be able to answer questions you may have on ‘how to keep safe’. For further details, see our Forum Events page.