Category Archives: Safety

Alexa can protect your home

AlexaDid you know that your Echo’s “Alexa Guard” can protect your home. As from April 2019, Amazon rolled out Alexa Guard to all Echo users. Your Echo can now listen for breaking glass, alert you to smoke alarms, and randomly turn your lights on and off. But it’s not a full security system.

For more details, about this and Burglar Deterrent follow this link.

Watch out for mandate fraud

NY PoliceNorth Yorkshire Police have noticed an increase in the type of fraud whereby a resident or business will receive an email purporting to be  from a supplier, for example utility company, solicitor, builder etc informing the resident/business that the supplier’s account details have changed and all further payments need to be paid into the new account. For further details, please visit our ‘Alerts’ page.

10 useful things to have in the car

Speeding car driversSome simple advice from about what things to have in the car, in case they’re needed.

They also provide the results of a recent study which reports that 4 drivers a minute are caught exceeding  the speed limit. In one county alone, there was a reported increase of 416% in a seven year period. Click here for more information, including how counties differ in their punishment of offenders.

What do you think of the Fire and Rescue Plan for North Yorkshire?

Consultation on the Draft Priorities for the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Plan 2019/21 – Message from Julia Mulligan

Police Fire Crime Com logo-website-615-300

I would like as many people as possible to tell me their views on the draft priorities for the fire service. As Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, it is my responsibility to produce a Fire and Rescue Plan setting out the strategic vision, priorities and objectives for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service over the next two years. I will use this to hold your Fire and Rescue Service to account. Before I finalise the plan I want to hear from yourself, your community, businesses and others who work alongside the service. I want to make sure the priorities being proposed reflect what you expect from your fire and rescue service.

For details on how to take part in the survey, please go to our ‘Have Your Say’ page.