Category Archives: Finance

TV licences going up for the fourth year running.

TV licenceIn 2016, the British government announced that the TV licence fee was going to rise with inflation annually for five years starting from 1 April 2017. The BBC announced yesterday that the UK TV licence fee will be increasing by £3 as of 1 April 2020. The annual cost of a TV licence is currently £154.50, a figure that will increase to £157.50 in April.

Less than 4% on low incomes take up high interest saving scheme

Piles of new £1 poundsAccording to the Government, only 312,000 people, out of the 3.5 million who are eligible, have participated in an saving scheme which could earn them a 50% interest rate. The scheme known as ‘Help to Save’ rewards low income earners who save from £1 to £50 per month, even if they are claiming pension credits of universal credit. To find out more, please see our Finance page.


Warning about post-Brexit scams

Bank transfer scamsThe Consumer Association (Which?) is advising people to be on the alert for scams, as criminals prey on consumers’ uncertainty about their rights following Brexit. Remember legitimate organisations will not telephone you and ask you to move your money. If you’re not sure what to do, contact the organisation on an official line and check the information you have been given.

23 million hours of unpaid care provided by over 80s

Couple caring for each other 2A report published by Age UK indicates that 23 million hours of unpaid care is provided by people over 80. This is equivalent to 1.2 billion hours of care a year at a saving of £23 million to the healthcare system.

Unfortunately this comes at a personal cost to the health of the carers, who are often living with long-term health and mobility problems and who are unable to get any  breaks or respite from their duties.

For further details, please follow this link.

Who is a Carer?

Carers allowanceCommunity First Yorkshire states that ‘a carer is someone who, without payment, provides help and support to a friend, neighbour or relative who could not manage otherwise because of frailty, illness or disability. They may even be juggling paid work with caring responsibilities at home’.

Following Carers’ Week, it is important to ensure that carers are aware of the resources available to them. Carers’ Resource has gathered some quick information about each allowance and benefit. Also, Carers UK has an online tool to guide you to information about benefits and other entitlements.