The Ombudsman service has issued advice about the management of care home top-up fees, following appeals against its decisions recently. If you are currently paying top-up fees for a relative, or are planning long-term care for someone, please follow this link for advice.
Author Archives: admin
TV licences going up for the fourth year running.
Less than 4% on low incomes take up high interest saving scheme
According to the Government, only 312,000 people, out of the 3.5 million who are eligible, have participated in an saving scheme which could earn them a 50% interest rate. The scheme known as ‘Help to Save’ rewards low income earners who save from £1 to £50 per month, even if they are claiming pension credits of universal credit. To find out more, please see our Finance page.
Do you care about Harrogate District’s parks and green spaces?
The crocuses on the Stray are admired by hundreds of visitors each Spring. Would you like Harrogate District to be proud of its green parks and spaces? Did you know that nearly 20 flowerbeds near the town centre have been returned to grass in recent years? Do you enjoy the daffodils along the roadside to Ripon and Pannal?
Harrogate Borough Council is currently seeking your views on its parks management service. Please see our ‘Have Your Say’ page to participate in the survey which closes on February 23rd 2020.
Travel – what happens after Brexit?
The UK will officially leave the European Union (EU) at 11pm on January 31st 2020. So what what will change? In the immediate term, not much. The UK now enters the transition phase and, up until December 31st 2020, they will be no changes with regard to passports, European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and driving licences. What may well change is the cost of roaming charges for mobile phones. For further details, please follow this link.
Warning about post-Brexit scams
The Consumer Association (Which?) is advising people to be on the alert for scams, as criminals prey on consumers’ uncertainty about their rights following Brexit. Remember legitimate organisations will not telephone you and ask you to move your money. If you’re not sure what to do, contact the organisation on an official line and check the information you have been given.
Compassionate support for people bereaved by suicide
There is a new service to support people bereaved or affected by suicide across Harrogate.
NHS England has provided funding for a suicide bereavement service across West Yorkshire & Harrogate. The project is run by Leeds Mind and informed by the Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service. The workers have their own personal experience of suicide bereavement. You can access support as an individual or work place. The service is a response to the fact that people bereaved by suicide are more likely to suffer from severe depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, or even adopt suicidal behaviours themselves. To access support you must be a resident of West Yorkshire or Harrogate. For more details follow this link. (Possible slow link)
Small gestures make a huge difference
Lots of us are already doing a great job of looking out for each other, but there is still more we can do to make our local areas healthier and happier for everyone. ‘Looking Out for Neighbours’ is a community campaign running across West Yorkshire and Harrogate to help local people feel better in the place they live and have the peace of mind good neighbours bring. For further advice and tips on how to help neighbours, follow this link.
Pension credit and associated benefits
Claiming Pension Credit could unlock a range of other benefits including:
- Extra money each year
- Rent and council tax covered
- Free sight tests
- NHS dental care
- Extra money when it’s cold
Find out if you’re eligible Travel to hospital appointments