Author Archives: admin

End of an era

Train station newsagentAfter 30 years of service, the Bookstall newsagents in Harrogate train station is closing. This shop stocked a really comprehensive selection of magazines. It was always handy if you wanted to pop in for something to eat or drink – or perhaps a little light reading for your journey. Not to mention greetings cards, guide books ….. This was a vital part of Harrogate station and will be missed.

Yet another ‘end of an era’

Stray FM EZGMJz_WsAIi9DMStray fm radio station will cease broadcasting this week. Yet another local radio station which will no longer provide local news and support local initiatives. The staff at the station worked so hard on behalf of the local community by publicising and reporting on local events and achievements – both group and individual. As well as providing up-to-date weather and traffic reports. It will be sadly missed.

Are you feeling anxious during the current pandemic?


Mentalhealth and CovidRecent research has shown that many people are feeling anxious and/or depressed as a result of the restrictions imposed during the current pandemic. Some people are reacting to the loneliness of self-isolation, quarantine or shielding and this is having an adverse effect on their mental health. Whilst interactive chats via social media are helping some people communicate, others have been seeking relief from comfort eating and increased alcohol consumption. If you feel that you need help and support, there are many organisations which can offer this. Some of these can be found on our  Support Groups page on our Information Hub. There is also some useful advice here.


‘Cold callers’ could be active in your area

Doorstep callersNow that the lockdown restrictions are being eased, the Consumer Association (Which?) is warning residents to be on their guard for an increase in cold callers on your doorstep. These operators might be offering repair jobs such as gutter cleaning, roof repairs etc.

You are advised not to use cold callers as they may suggest that more work is required than initially stated. They will probably charge much more than usual and the work may be of an inferior standard.

If you feel intimidated by these people or have a complaint, please contact Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133.

COVID-19 NHS Test and Trace scam warning

COVID-19 NHS Test and Trace scam warning

Covid Test and traceCity of London National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has issued information about the risk of a scam involving the NHS Covid-19 Test and Trace procedure.

This information has now been circulated by the Yorkshire Community Messaging Service.

Please visit our ‘Alerts’ page for further details.