The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service – here to help North Yorkshire residents

Cloverleaf AdvocacyThe NHS works hard to provide a high quality service but sometimes things do go wrong and people may wish to raise a complaint.

The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service in North Yorkshire is provided by Cloverleaf Advocacy. The service is available to anyone who is a resident of North Yorkshire. The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service is for those who wish to have support to make a Complaint about a service they have received from the NHS.  The service is free, confidential and independent.

NHS services include hospitals, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, ambulances and opticians.  These services can be delivered in hospitals or in the community and include NHS funded nursing homes.

An advocate will support people through the NHS complaints procedure.  Their role is to provide people with information and explain the options which may be available to them in relation to the NHS complaints procedure.  Advocates will not make choices or decisions for people or investigate complaints on their behalf.

How to contact the service:

By post: North Yorkshire NHS Complaints Advocacy Service, Tower Court Oakdale Road, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XL

By phone: 0300 012 4212

They are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Answerphone at other times

By email:

Or by going to the website

Information supplied by Healthwatch North Yorkshire