Category Archives: Safety

April 1st price increases – act now to avoid them

Piles of poundsCome April 1st, there will be several price increases. For further information, please visit our ‘Alerts’ page.  If you act now, you might be able to avoid them!

If you want to find out how to make savings on goods and services, and also how to stay ahead of the scammers, why not subscribe to the Money Saving Expert’s newsletter? Follow this link for further information.

‘Freeze on Fraud’

Alert 2North Yorkshire Police, are today launching their Freeze on Fraud campaign to raise awareness of online fraud and help reduce the risk of people falling victim to this ever increasing type of crime. Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a series of short videos about fraud, featuring top tips from DI Hodgeon, Head of Fraud at NYP, and also some real life victim stories. For further details, please visit our ‘Alerts’ page.

It’s time to prepare for winter driving.

Driving - winter snow on windscreenFrosty mornings means scraping car windows and warming the engine before driving off. However, take care and do to leave your vehicle unattended or it could be someone else driving off in it, instead of you!

For details on how to prepare your car for winter driving, follow this link. For further advice on how to get weather updates, notification of incidents and other warnings, please go to our ‘Topical News’ page.