Category Archives: Communication

Yet another ‘end of an era’

Stray FM EZGMJz_WsAIi9DMStray fm radio station will cease broadcasting this week. Yet another local radio station which will no longer provide local news and support local initiatives. The staff at the station worked so hard on behalf of the local community by publicising and reporting on local events and achievements – both group and individual. As well as providing up-to-date weather and traffic reports. It will be sadly missed.

Feeling isolated in a rural area?

CountrysidePeople aged over 70 have been told by the government to prepare to self-isolate for potentially a “very long time” to help tackle the spread of coronavirus. But what will life be like for those in the countryside, often far away from their families? Follow this link to read about the experience of one rural area. However, there are lots of charitable and voluntary organisations who are helping older people. Follow this link to find out about some of the resources which are available to support older people.

It’s General Election time!

Laughing man imagesNow could be a good time to raise the issues of older people. We are not a minority group (see previous post).

23,200,000 of us are 50 yrs of age and over, so we could influence the outcome of the election. So let’s challenge the politicians on their policies. Follow us on Twitter for up-to-date information. @hgdover50sforum

Up to 3.7 million over 75s will pay for their TV licences

BBC licenceToday the BBC announced that it will only be funding free TV licences for those over 75, who are receiving pension credit. The corporation suggests that this is the fairest way to support the most financially challenged. The alternative would have been to severely reduce the services which the BBC provides and this was considered to be unacceptable. To read more, follow this link.

Chair of our Forum resigns from the committee

Ann with Richard WebbAt our AGM on March 28th, Ann Hill (pictured here with Richard Webb) resigned from the Forum Committee. She was one of the founder members of the Harrogate District Over 50s Forum and, for many years, she has represented the Forum at the North Yorkshire Forum for Older People (NYFOP). Ann has ensured that the Forum has provided opportunities for people to meet and discuss issues of importance to older people. Every year, she has planned and co-ordinated bi-monthly day trips to a variety of venues which have proved to be very popular, and which have also helped to generate income for the activities of the Forum. Fortunately, Ann has agreed to continue organising the day trips and information about these is available on our ‘Forum Events’ page.

We would like to thank Ann for all her hard work, which has helped to make the Forum the success it is today.

New deaf cafe

Deaf cafe

Every second Thursday of the month, 2 -4pm at Harrogate Library
A chance to meet others and socialise. Everybody is welcome and a special welcome to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a dual sensory impairment. A member of NYCC Sensory team will be at each session to offer advice and information.



What do you think? Make your views known

Survey - your views matter

Lots of consultations and surveys in progress. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your views known. See our ‘Have your say’ page.



  • Service users and carers with experience of the Mental Health Act are asked to complete an online survey to have their say on an Independent Review of the Act.
  • The rise in numbers comes as the NHS is running a public consultation into whether England should follow Wales and introduce an opt-out donation scheme.
  • NHS England wants to hear the views of patients and the public on the prescribing of over-the-counter medicines for minor conditions.
  • The Government are consulting on plans to extend the Blue Badge scheme
  • NHS England has commissioned Quality Health to run an online survey to gather feedback about people’s experiences of personal health budgets in England.