Author Archives: admin

Up to 3.7 million over 75s will pay for their TV licences

BBC licenceToday the BBC announced that it will only be funding free TV licences for those over 75, who are receiving pension credit. The corporation suggests that this is the fairest way to support the most financially challenged. The alternative would have been to severely reduce the services which the BBC provides and this was considered to be unacceptable. To read more, follow this link.

10 useful things to have in the car

Speeding car driversSome simple advice from about what things to have in the car, in case they’re needed.

They also provide the results of a recent study which reports that 4 drivers a minute are caught exceeding  the speed limit. In one county alone, there was a reported increase of 416% in a seven year period. Click here for more information, including how counties differ in their punishment of offenders.

Chair of our Forum resigns from the committee

Ann with Richard WebbAt our AGM on March 28th, Ann Hill (pictured here with Richard Webb) resigned from the Forum Committee. She was one of the founder members of the Harrogate District Over 50s Forum and, for many years, she has represented the Forum at the North Yorkshire Forum for Older People (NYFOP). Ann has ensured that the Forum has provided opportunities for people to meet and discuss issues of importance to older people. Every year, she has planned and co-ordinated bi-monthly day trips to a variety of venues which have proved to be very popular, and which have also helped to generate income for the activities of the Forum. Fortunately, Ann has agreed to continue organising the day trips and information about these is available on our ‘Forum Events’ page.

We would like to thank Ann for all her hard work, which has helped to make the Forum the success it is today.

What do you think of the Fire and Rescue Plan for North Yorkshire?

Consultation on the Draft Priorities for the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Plan 2019/21 – Message from Julia Mulligan

Police Fire Crime Com logo-website-615-300

I would like as many people as possible to tell me their views on the draft priorities for the fire service. As Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, it is my responsibility to produce a Fire and Rescue Plan setting out the strategic vision, priorities and objectives for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service over the next two years. I will use this to hold your Fire and Rescue Service to account. Before I finalise the plan I want to hear from yourself, your community, businesses and others who work alongside the service. I want to make sure the priorities being proposed reflect what you expect from your fire and rescue service.

For details on how to take part in the survey, please go to our ‘Have Your Say’ page.

Warning about Brexit scams ….. and there are many!

Please visit our ‘Alerts’ page for details of the latest scams relating to Brexit.



The current confusion about what is happening with the Brexit process is providing an ideal opportunity for fraudsters to try to steal individuals’ money. Make sure that you do not become a victim by reading about the latest scams:

Bogus Brexit investments

HMRC Brexit scam

European Health Insurance card (Ehic) scam

Financial services scams

New deaf cafe

Deaf cafe

Every second Thursday of the month, 2 -4pm at Harrogate Library
A chance to meet others and socialise. Everybody is welcome and a special welcome to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a dual sensory impairment. A member of NYCC Sensory team will be at each session to offer advice and information.



Could you be entitled to more benefits?

Benefit scrabbleMillions of people are missing out on benefits to which they are entitled. These benefits include childcare help, pension credit and universal credit. Could you be one of the 8 million people who are missing out?

The Money Saving Expert has set up a simple benefits calculator, which could help you to identify if you could claim any. Please follow this link.

Warning! Saga Platinum card is ending

Saga Platinum c.c.Saga has announced that its Platinum credit card will be taken off the market on March 28th 2019 and that accounts must be settled in full by that date. This means that customers have two months to pay off the balance or arrange to transfer it to another provider.

For further information and advice, please visit our ‘Alerts’ page.