Tag Archives: switching utility providers

‘Snug as a Bug’ and ‘Switch to Save’

winter-warmthCome and join us at our next Forum meeting on September 22nd 2 – 4pm. Admission £2 includes refreshments and a raffle ticket.

Looking after oneself is very important to us all so we are revisiting this topic. Our speaker this time will be Helen Brown who is not only the NEA representative for the Harrogate District but also the Lead Officer for the Health and Social Care Liaison Development Team. She is an excellent person to provide guidance and information about the latest and best ways of keeping warm and snug during the winter both inside and outside the house. In the second part of the meeting, Helen will talk about the advantages (and disadvantages?) of switching our utilities provider; most people can make considerable savings by shopping around.  This will be an interesting talk and we hope to learn new ways of keeping warm and well.