Tag Archives: Richard Webb

Chair of our Forum resigns from the committee

Ann with Richard WebbAt our AGM on March 28th, Ann Hill (pictured here with Richard Webb) resigned from the Forum Committee. She was one of the founder members of the Harrogate District Over 50s Forum and, for many years, she has represented the Forum at the North Yorkshire Forum for Older People (NYFOP). Ann has ensured that the Forum has provided opportunities for people to meet and discuss issues of importance to older people. Every year, she has planned and co-ordinated bi-monthly day trips to a variety of venues which have proved to be very popular, and which have also helped to generate income for the activities of the Forum. Fortunately, Ann has agreed to continue organising the day trips and information about these is available on our ‘Forum Events’ page.

We would like to thank Ann for all her hard work, which has helped to make the Forum the success it is today.