Tag Archives: warm & well

Will you be warm and safe this winter?

winter-warmthHARCVS is a partner in the Warm & Well project which seeks to assist residents and patients who are most at risk from the physical and emotional effects of being too cold at home, such as those on low incomes, with long-term health conditions, and the frail or elderly.

Support is varied according to people’s individual needs, but can cover energy switching, benefits advice, improvements to the home so it is both warmer and more efficient, crisis interventions where someone is without heating or hot water, and support with fuel debts. Funded by the British Gas Energy Trust, the project is only active until the end of December this year, so people are encouraged to get in touch sooner rather than later.

Referrals can be made into Warm and Well by calling 01423 740 001 or by visiting www.first4contact.org


If you need help, do you know ‘where to turn’?

HARCVSNews from Harrogate and Ripon Centre for Volunteer Services 

Recent reports have shown that social connections are as important as money and health. If you know someone who would like a bit of support or company, to get out and about or meet new friends, we can help find Where to Turn with HARCVS Where to Turn directory of voluntary organisations

Exciting News for 2016 
We are currently working to develop and refresh our Where To Turn Directory to provide a more comprehensive and fully searchable online database of community organisations, activities and services for people in Harrogate District.