Please visit our ‘Alerts’ page for the latest warnings about scams related to the pandemic and vaccinations. Meanwhile, remember …..
Please visit our ‘Alerts’ page for the latest warnings about scams related to the pandemic and vaccinations. Meanwhile, remember …..
City of London National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has issued information about the risk of a scam involving the NHS Covid-19 Test and Trace procedure.
This information has now been circulated by the Yorkshire Community Messaging Service.
Please visit our ‘Alerts’ page for further details.
A report, by Carers UK, ‘Caring Behind Closed Doors’ provides a real insight into the experience of being a carer during this pandemic over a 10 day period in April. The comments by carers highlight the stress and heart-breaking concerns they experience. 55% of unpaid carers feel overwhelmed and are worried that they are going to burnout in the coming weeks. Read the report here.