Are you excited or concerned about the proposed ‘cliff lift’ in Knaresborough?

240px-Knaresborough_viewThere will be a consultation workshop for people we feel have the most to gain from and contribute to the Cliff Lift i.e. people with disabilities, seniors with age related access concerns and parents with young children.  We want to hear your first hand experiences of getting around Knaresborough and give you an opportunity to find out more about the Cliff Lift project.

Age UK (Cliff House, Knaresborough) are hosting our first consultation workshop on THURSDAY 25TH OCTOBER FROM 2 – 4PM.  Refreshments will be provided and you will be asked to complete a simple questionnaire as well as take part in small discussions groups.

If you would like to attend please contact Kathy Allday on 01423 864381 (the workshop organiser) or Age UK on 01423 864956. We look forward to seeing you on the day. Please see our ‘Have Your Say’ page for further details.