A – Z Publications


Community Bereavement Book: A helpful guide for the bereaved   Impact on Life publications

Help is at Hand  by Support after Suicide offers practical and emotional information and support to people who have been bereaved by suicide.

National Survey of Bereaved People (Voices)  2014  (Published July 2015)


Dementia: through their eyes   A Guide to person-centred dementia care   The Good Care Group

Dementia and Sensory Challenges booklet – Life Changes Trust http://www.lifechangestrust.org.uk/news/dementia-and-sensory-challenges-booklet-published

Carers for people with dementia struggling in silence – Alzheimer’s Society – ongoing study

The Care Act 2014     Department of Health

The North Yorkshire Care Services Directory contains information about social care services available in North Yorkshire and lists care and nursing homes in the county.

Care Quality Map a live map for England with County league tables of social care providers across England produced by  ‘TrustedCare.co.uk

Changes in the Older Care Home Resident Population at Local Authority Level between 2001 and 2011 (2011 Census Analysis) – Office for National Statistics

Dementia & Homecare: Driving Quality & Innovation  – United KIngdom Homecare Association

The State of Social Care Report 2015 – Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The State of Social Care Report 2015 by the CQC –   comments from the King’s Fund

The State of Social Care Report 2015 by the CQC – comments from The Guardian newspaper


A Guide to Healthy Caring – NHS England

Carers’ Rights Guide   A guide to the rights of those caring for another person

Coming out of Hospital   Carers UK provides a guide for caring for someone after discharge.


The Little Book of BIG Scams – Metropolitan Police Service     Link to audio version

Crime in England and Wales, Year Ending March 2015 – Office for National Statistics

North Yorkshire Hate Crime report 2015

A Review of First Contact Customer Experience provided by North Yorkshire Police by Police and Crime Commissioner


Disability and Poverty in Later Life    A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Open Country North Yorkshire Countryside Directory for People with Disabilities 2015 – compiled by people with disability

Open Country Countryside Directory for People with Disabilities 2015 – other Yorkshire regions


 ‘Benefits for People over 61′     Welfare Benefits Unit for York & North Yorkshire

Mental Health and Debt 2015   Money Saving Expert

Options for using your Pension Pot‘ from the Money Advice Service

‘Pension Changes in 2015′ from the Daily Telegraph

‘Pension Changes 2015′ – Income options‘ from Which?

Pension Changes 2015‘ – increased flexibility’ from HMRC

Taking your pension guide from the Money Saving Expert (MSE)


A-Z Guide to Alcoholism and the Elderly   Rehab Recovery

A Guide to Healthy Ageing – NHS England and Age UK

Older People: Independence and Mental Wellbeing  Guidance from NICE

Guidance about sun exposure from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Later Life in 2015: An analysis of the views and experiences of people over 50 by Centre for Ageing Better –   explores how the three dimensions of a good later life – health, financial security, and social connections – contribute to overall wellbeing

How do you want to look after your health in the future? Summary report form Healthwatch

A Practical Guide to Healthy Ageing by NHS England, in partnership with Age UK

Mental Health under Pressure a report from the King’s Fund.  The CQC’s response to the report.

NHS Annual Report 2014/15   Report highlights Five Year Forward View

5 Things you Should Know about Dementia  by the Alzheimers Society

In Touch‘ – the newsletter for members of the public from NHS England (Follow link to subscribe – no longer available on-line)

The Health of the Nation    CQC The State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England 2013/14

The NHS 5 Year Forward View     Overview     Report     King’s Fund response to report

Depression & Diabetes     http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/depression-and-diabetes/depression-and-diabetes.pdf

‘All you need to know Guide to buying Hearing Aids’  7th edition  0800 488 0106

‘U.can Cook’  by James Martin (Quick, easy nutritious recipes using canned foods)      www.cannedfood.co.uk   0800 243 364

 Life after a stroke - a booklet entitled ‘Feeling Overwhelmed’ – available from the Stroke Association or tel: 0303 3033 100

Being Active! An every day guide for people living with an impairment or health condition from Disability Rights UK  Being Active

A fresh start for the regulation and inspection of GP practices and GP out-of-hours services from CQC

North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board newsletter 2015

Healthwatch Annual Report 2015

IT   Information Technology

  ‘A Short Guide to social media‘.  How to get started – a guide for older people who would like to get connected by Friends of the Elderly.

Local Reports

North Yorkshire County Council ‘Care and Support Where I Live Strategy’  The strategy sets out the Council’s proposed approach to the future provision of care and support, with a focus on how it can help people live within the community for longer with the appropriate support.

Mental Health

‘Reading Well Mood-boosting Books is a national promotion of uplifting titles, including novels, poetry and non-fiction.

Older People’s Issues

‘Later Life in 2015‘  by  Centre for Ageing Better. This study reveals the strong links between health, financial security and social connections in determining whether we enjoy our later life.

A better future for us all’ a policy paper by NIACE - outlines the benefits, to individuals and society of older people’s learning, and proposes that all the relevant agencies should come together at local level to review needs and opportunities.

‘Inequalities in Health and Life Expectancy Persist’ – report from New Office for National Statistics in conjunction withe Public health England.

The Later life newsletter  provides latest news on policy changes, good practice and initiatives and their impact on older people.

Living Standards and Poverty in Later Life‘ by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

More older carers ‘risking health‘ – the BBC has also launched an online guide to the care system for the over-65s

Warnings of a dementia epidemic may be unfounded‘   NHS Choices looks at this new report

Dying without Dignity    Investigations by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman into complaints about end of life care.  

Healthcare rights for older people   http://www.ageuk.org.uk/health-wellbeing/your-healthcare-rights/

Challenging the validity of the ‘baby boomer’ myth‘.   New report by the Ready for Ageing Alliance

Researching Age-Friendly Communities: Stories from older people as co-investigators’   Age Friendly Manchester has published a free booklet with Age UK linked to the film.

An A-Z of how you can help Older People   Tips from Age UK

Retirement advice

My retirement: What do I need to know? available from the Consumer Association (Which?)


 ‘Avoiding scams’ from AgeUK   or telephone 0800 169 18 19

A Lifetime’s Savings Lost in a Minute‘ – very sad case histories of 2 pension scam victims (Money Advice Service)

‘How to Spot a Scam‘ – a useful guide from the Consumer Association (Which?)

How to spot a Pension Scam‘ from the Money Advice Service

Pensions Scams‘ from the Pensions Regulator

Types of Scams‘ – a comprehensive overview from the BBC

How to Report a Scam‘   Advice from the Consumer Association (Which?)

Safe Car Buying Guide‘     http://blog.vantagemotorgroup.co.uk/welcome-to-the-safe-car-buying-guide-from-vantage-motor-group/


‘The Consumer’s Guide to Stairlifts’ –  28 page independent guide to stairlifts  www.mobinfo.co.uk  or Tel: 0800 074 3961


‘The Glovebox  Parking Guide’ - Money Saving Expert